Find out more about our academy & apply to secure your spot. 


Location Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Please provide us with the different training sessions that is offered by atomics 

What We Do At Training

  • Warm Up 15 Minutes

    Players receive instruction on proper stretching techniques and are provided with essential information to minimize the risk of injuries.

  • Fitness Training

    We furnish students with crucial fitness training to enhance their stamina and overall conditioning.

  • Skills Training

    Players are led through a sequence of drills aimed at enhancing their agility and building upon their existing skills.

  • Game Time

    During training sessions, players dedicate a significant portion of their time actively engaged in football gameplay, applying their skills and tactics on the field. This hands-on approach fosters practical experience and teamwork, contributing to their overall development as athletes.

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What We Do off the Pitch

  • Create Player CV

    We specialize in crafting professional CVs tailored specifically for football students, highlighting their unique skills, achievements, and potential to prospective clubs and organizations. Our expertise in the field ensures that their CVs effectively showcase their footballing abilities and career aspirations.

  • Give Career Advice

    Our students receive age-appropriate career advice, tailored to their individual interests and goals, helping them make informed decisions about their future paths. Our approach ensures that students receive guidance that is both relevant and suitable for their current stage of development.

  • Monitor & Manage Player Developments

    We employ a comprehensive monitoring and management system to oversee player development, tracking their progress through performance metrics and regular assessments. This data-driven approach allows us to make informed adjustments to training programs, ensuring each player's continuous growth and optimization.

  • Offer Opportunities

    We actively provide players with a range of opportunities, including exposure to scouts, tournaments, and networking events, to help them advance their careers in football. Our goal is to open doors and create pathways for players to achieve their goals and reach their full potential in the sport.

  • Recording Players & Social Media Management

    We meticulously record players' performances and accomplishments to create a compelling narrative for their careers. Additionally, we manage their social media presence to ensure a positive and impactful online image that aligns with their professional goals.


Cost Under 6 Under 8 Under 10 Under 13 Under 16

If you guys could please provide pricing 

Atomics Camps

(Summer, Winter & Spring)

Event Date
Under 16 Training Camp 1722038400 27th July 2024 - 28th July 2024

Focused camps to enhance player performance on certain technical aspects.

Interested in Joining?

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